I just got my English 351 grade. I got an A. Three classes, three 4.0s. Unprecedented in my academic history, I think. Why didn’t I realize that college was this easy on my first (or even second) time through?
I have started my final semester. CIS 336 is basically learning ASP.NET (Windows web server stuff). Yuck. But I did well in the professor’s Visual Basic .NET course last semester so this class shouldn’t give me any trouble. Math 209 seems like it will be interesting. The professor is much more of a “liberal activist” than I would have expected which is a refreshing change. The class has no real prerequisites and won’t require a calculator so it should be right up my alley.
CIS 480 is the real interesting one though. It’s basically my “internship”. I am in a three-man team and we are working on a project for a local business. Personally, I think we lucked out. The project was actually finished by earlier 480 teams and all we have to do is implement a list of 17 changes. Most of them look really easy but I might have a surprise coming… The weirdest part of the class is having to dress up in a suit.
Anyway, this semester looks like it will almost be fun. Here’s hoping.
Congrats Mr. Smarty Pants! 🙂