Category Archives: Life


I just got the last of my grades. I got a 3.42 GPA for the semester. Not the best but still higher than any semester GPA I had during my original college run. Since I managed to pass everything they asked me to take, I should be holding my diploma in 8-10 weeks. If they tell me I have to come back for a credit of gym or something, they’ll have a fight on their hands.

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Cheaper to Replace It

It was a pleasant night. The last of my college work was turned in just a couple of days before and I was heading to Milwaukee for the first time in a long time. Cruising down the highway, my iPod playing in my ears and nothing but trees and stars to see. I had hit that pleasant nighttime driving groove.
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Adiós, Burrito del Amor

When I moved out of the dorms and into my first apartment, I needed to buy a bed. In a fairly typical college student move, I maxed out the little room left on my new credit card to get a cool futon. It wasn’t just a cotton batting one, no, it had a two-layer foam core and a life expectancy of five to ten years.
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Fools and Drunks, And I Don’t Drink

There was a stretch in February and March that was pretty rough.  Between classes, work, being sick, Trivia, and more, I got a little bogged down.  Something had to give.  Unfortunately, my ASP.NET class is what gave.

The professor mentioned to me that he was very forgiving on due dates for students that were in their CIS internship.  I told him that he really shouldn’t have told me that.  My attendance dropped drastically. I always intended on going to the next class, after I caught up on sleep or got the assignment completed.  That just didn’t seem to happen though.  (For the record, I was doing just fine in my other classes, it was just this one that I was having the problem with.)

Two weeks ago the professor sent out an email saying that the midterm was that Thursday.  Panic time.  I met with the professor.  He was very understanding about the whole thing, much more than I had any right to expect.  I did a couple of days of frantic studying and took the exam.  Then came a week of spring break.  Today I showed up for regular class for the first time in quite a while.  He handed the midterms back and I got a solid B.  Not perfect, but damn lucky.

This is the sort of stunt I used to pull the last time I was in college.  Except that I used to just stop going to class, never to return, and I’d fail the class.  So this is an improvement. Far from perfect, but at least I am passing the course instead of failing it.