Category Archives: Life

So a computer geek walks into a bar…

Finally, the long awaited explanation to my last post.

Dawn invited me to a show. An acoustic cover band called The Fire was playing at Graffiti’s. The band was pretty good, the company was enjoyable, and the venue was surprisingly pleasant (for a downtown bar in Stevens Point).

I did get a little bored during one of the band’s breaks though. The conversation didn’t catch my interest (it was probably about something “girly”) so I thought about what else I could do. Earlier that day I had discovered how to get into the “hidden” web browser on my new cell phone. So I pulled it out and started surfing. Where to surf… I visited a few sites and then it hit me. I should totally blog this!

So the last post was made from a RAZR cell phone from a bar during a rock show. That has to earn me some serious geek cred. Not that that’s a particularly good thing, I suppose…

Math Anxiety

I had my first math exam in 15 years (give or take) on Friday. I had been pretty sick for the preceding week and I came into the exam knowing that I wasn’t going to be able to do my best. (At that point I was pretty happy to be awake and moving, much less able to take an exam.) I took the exam and knew that I was pretty lost on the last page but otherwise it didn’t seem too bad.

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Fool on the hill

Ever felt like a fool?

Are you a fool if you don’t know what’s going on?  Are you a fool for caring about what’s going on when it’s not a part of your life? Are you a fool for letting it affect your life?

I don’t know and I probably shouldn’t care.

But I do…

17 + 17 = 34

My 34th birthday is quickly approaching. Some of my classmates could be 17 years old. I could have had a kid when I was 17. That means that I am old enough to be the father of some of the hot chicks I am leering at on campus.


More School

My “winterim” advanced business writing class started on January 3. It runs from 8:30 to noon every weekday until January 19th. It is a “writing emphasis” course so there is usually a writing assignment or two due every day. It’s a lot of work but I’d much rather do it this way than have it spread out over an entire semester.
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